Mingita's World

Welcome to my world! My name is Lianne, I'm in my 20's and a born again student ;) This is a guide to the inner ramblings of my mind, the mad world around me and the people who make my life so fruity.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Preparing for University!

Finally I am getting over the nasty cold that I have had for the past week (probably caused by heavy drinking in Farnham). Although I'm not admitting it to my Greek (at left) who is now busy cooking for me mwahahaha! ;o)

So now I am turning all my attention to getting ready for Uni! Leaving work and my house in Surrey and being at college was wierd enough, but the thought of moving into halls, studying full-time and being a hard-up, hard-drinking student is terrifying! But I can't wait!

After working for 3 years at Surrey University, it is going to be very strange to be on the other side of the *office*door! But, irrationally, my main worry is how I will fit in with the other students as I will be 6years older than most of them. Though I did 'shadow' a current student on tuesday and everyone thought I was 19 so maybe I won't stick out so much. Plus, I expect I will give most of them a run for their money when it comes to drinking and dancing!

I am just so glad that I am doing this now, any earlier and I would have probably chosen the wrong course and achieved poor grades, any later and I would have been graduating in my 30s!!

I really wonder how students fresh from college manage to cope with the stress of sorting out accommodation, finances and living away from home. I've lived independently for 6 years yet I'm still freaking a bit over the finances (but then I do have the typical store/credit card debts that are inevitably picked up in the working world to add to my worries!). I'm even freaking out that I haven't yet had an official offer from the Uni (although unofficially it looks good)!!!

Oh well, now I guess I had better practice being a student by eating my fella's dinner (if you can call heated-up-day-old pizza that...) and beating him on the Playstation.....


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