Mingita's World

Welcome to my world! My name is Lianne, I'm in my 20's and a born again student ;) This is a guide to the inner ramblings of my mind, the mad world around me and the people who make my life so fruity.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Forgive and Forget (renamed)...

In Defence of A Great Guy! (and a warning to all other men...)

Now, as all hetero men know, women can be difficult at the best of times (although we are worth it!).
My good friend Simon (Goldy to his friends) is an amazing guy, kind-hearted and incredibly patient man. Yet even a gem such as he gets targeted by nut-jobs; such as ***** who has written blog posts (completely made up ones) slating him.

This is my defence of him (comments were disabled on her site);

I don't know you and you don't know me (although Im sure you've heard about me) but I can't believe the pathetic slander that you are posting about Simon. Especially calling him fat and a pervert.
Its sad that you broke up and you must have both been hurt but ripping into him (and then posting the links on the websites that him and his mates use)like this is wrong.
I dated and lived with him for 2 years and he is one of the most kind-hearted, funny, gentle and well-balanced men that I have ever known.
Its a shame that you are showing how shallow you are to slate his figure (especially when your looks arent exactly at their prime) and that you and your friends laugh at him.
You never deserved him and he is much better off without you. I just hope that one day you shake off your self-deluded, bitter and self-obsessed dreamworld that you live in.

Note (04/03/06); I have removed the link to her blog as she has had her say and it seems wrong and unfair to keep it going. Its true that people do do mean and uncharacteristic things at times of emotional strain (even fantastic moi has been known to be a total grade A ****).