Mingita's World

Welcome to my world! My name is Lianne, I'm in my 20's and a born again student ;) This is a guide to the inner ramblings of my mind, the mad world around me and the people who make my life so fruity.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Why Claire&I should not be left alone....


1/ If there is no alcohol in the house and we can not be arsed to go to the shop, we will order pizza and then play SingStar very loudly till 2am and end up with a letter of complaint from the neighbours..

2/ If there is alcohol in the house we will drink it. Just for the hell of it.

3/ If we decide to go for pub grub in a normal and nice pub in the evening and only plan on having a bottle of wine with our food, we will get absolutely hammered and end up staying till they close. Plus we manage to scare the entire male population under 30 out of the pub and have the men over 30 scare us.

4/ We are both broke yet we decide to spend all our money on the game "Guess the Shot" where each one takes turns to buy shots and the other one has to guess what it is before we down it. Messy.

5/ We spontaniously decide just to go out cos we are bored and encourage her innocent friends to poll dance with me and drink copious amounts of alcohol.

6/ I believe I can poll dance like a stripper and allow Claire to take photos of me. Not good.

7/ If none of the above appeal we will just watch re-runs of Lost, or Stardust, and cry. And order pizza/chinese and eat lots of chocolate.

There are more reasons but unfortunately the ridiculous amount of alcohol we consumed last night is playing silly buggers with my brain.


So The Years Move On.... Holiday! Celebrate!!

Thats actually a Kristian Leontiou song title, lets hope no-one notices.... And fuck the Madonna reference!

Yep its been two years and I forgot which email and password I had used for this, most annoying as I could REALLY have used it last year to get my emotions out etc...

*Thanks to Row who reminded me about blogging.

Anyhow, lets do the after shots of me and dim (later when I can be arsed and its 3am).

So he and I are no longer a couple, I have a date with a guy called Roman who is Russian (mum from Kazakhstan and dad from Afghanistan, fucked up) on Thursday, Claire is coming and he's bringing his friend to set them up! Should be fricking hilarious!!! I don't think anything will come of it, and I'm not even interested in kissing him or anything but I just want to get out there again and get my confidence up about living after having coped with so much crap over the past 12 months.
Must remember though not to mention the war or Borat.....Fuck it, after a few cocktails, which we expect them to buy, I'll be saying all sorts of shit lol!

Adam is also coming to visit me for a day this week which'll be cool as he really helped me over the summer and he makes me smile :o)

Its so bad though as I can't tell Dimitris as it would really hurt him (he would go mental over Adam), my feelings for Dimitris haven't changed but I can't just drop my life just as it's starting again.

Anyway, we will have our goodbye and tears soon as he's coming back from Greece at the beginning of March and probably staying till May (even though I'll be in Istanbul from 25th March to 8th April!! WOOHOO!!!).
Plus me and Claire are going to Greece after our exams in June for two weeks!!! We're prob gonna stay at Dimitris' mates family hotel for cheapness and the fact that it's in south Greece in a GORGEOUS location :-D
Downside is Dimitris will prob go with us too and I don't want to act like a couple when we're not and he will be hurt if I flirt (only flirt though, it's a girlie holiday not a pulling fest!) and I want to have fun with Claire and Dimitris my friend, not Dimitris the piner who makes Claire feel uncomfortable.
